The International Prospective

Sin Cathay is a boutique IP firm based in the global city-state Singapore. We are specialized in the area of intellectual property, equipped with insight understanding and extensive experience of different IP protection systems in major jurisdictions around the globe.


Being a small firm allows us to listen to our clients by heart and understand their genuine needs. We believe that the best service quality may only be possible with proper understanding of clients’ actual business needs. There is no one-size-fits-all standard available, and each client deserves our professional care. We devise customized IP strategies and tailor our services to best serve their business.


We assist clients in obtaining and protecting their intangible assets throughout the world. Our attorneys are qualified to practice in a number of major jurisdictions, and have extensive experience in obtaining global IP protections. We help clients building well-structured IP portfolios for their invaluable creations.


We fully understand that IP is fundamentally a commercial tool, and each organization has their particular business objectives that must be achieved with limited resources available. We provide clients with the most professional solutions, yet in a cost-effective manner in view of both their short-term and long-term objectives.

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Singapore Office:
10 Anson Road, #33-03, International Plaza,
Singapore 079903
China Office:
555 Liangqing Road, #1016 Longshan Building,
Wuxi, China 214062

Give us a ring

+65 9135 7096
Mon - Fri, 9:00-17:00 (GMT+8)